December 14, 2013

Stealing Time

It's a busy Saturday today, but I stole twenty minutes to go down to the river this morning and see what I could see.  Today - it was eagles.

They flew past me up the river, like they were traveling their own super highway.

They congregated in a grove of trees near me.  From a distance they were just dark shapes.  I had fun listening to them as they called to each other, and only wished I had more time.  But I'll take what I can get!

December 11, 2013

Dancing in November

I saw these yellow flowers along a weedy hedgerow a few weeks ago.

What were they thinking - blooming so late in the year?  Didn't their plant genes tell them that the killing frost would be here soon - that they should hunker down?

Instead, they flaunted their delicate blossoms, richly colored, and laughed into the teeth of winter.


I have know people like this, who gave their all - even as the sun rapidly set on their span of days.  They donned their best gowns, and finest fabrics - and went to the ball!  They refused to be told that it was "too late" in the season for what they meant to do.

 I hope we all dare to dance in our Novembers.

December 9, 2013

December 3, 2013

Fields of Gold

I found this field of gold when I was out last weekend:

It was such a deep, rich golden-yellow that I could not help photographing it, even if it is just a corn field that's been mowed over.

Here's another picture to give you a little more perspective of the scene:

It seems that in this time of the year (late fall, and winter), my eye is drawn to color - any color!  So today, you get fields of gold!