September 17, 2013

Turkey Vultures

Turkey vultures are hawk-like birds who ride thermal waves in the sky, often in small groups.  They have darker underbellies than hawks, and have a more wobbly flight.

Turkey vultures have a bald head that is dark pink or red in appearance, with a white-tipped beak.  The appearance of their head, being similar to that of a wild turkey, gives them their common name.

While sometimes called buzzards or carrion crows, these are misnomers.  Their scientific name is quite grand:  Cathartes aura.  Loosely translated, this means "purifying bird".  This is related to the fact that they eat carrion, which otherwise would stink up the world in a big way.

This one was spotted above Nahant Marsh, soaring around in a circle.  Evidently something already dead had caught its eye - or rather its nose, for that is how turkey vultures most often identify their next meal.

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