May 22, 2012

Trilliums - At Last!

All spring as I walked, I looked faithfully for trilliums.  I saw their leaves, everywhere, but no blossoms.  Walk after walk, park after park, I looked and looked.  One day I spotted what looked to be a dead trillium blossom, and I thought to myself, "I've missed it!  I've missed their bloom time, and now it will be another year until I get to see them."  That was disappointing.

Then one morning, with just a little time to spare, I took a walk on one of my favorite trails.  I hurried along, because I wanted to make the two mile round trip and still be able to be on time to an early appointment.

Suddenly, as I came to the fork in the trail, I saw them - trillions of trilliums!  They were everywhere, carpeting the woodland floor with their beautiful red blossoms.  They were so thick that I could hardly step off the trail to photograph them without stepping on some.  I was so excited to see them!

One of the neat thing about them is that they were blooming all over the rest area at the fork.  I had spent many days last summer working on a trail project there, with several other people.  We had no idea what was waiting under our feet and wheelbarrow wheels.  The trillium blooms surrounded the rough hewn benches where we had rested and enjoyed our lunches.  All that time they had been waiting underground, for the conditions to be just right, and here they were!

I was thrilled, and took several pictures, although I was afraid the darkness from the overcast morning would not allow their beauty to really show up in the pictures.  I was wrong!

Trillium is called Wake Robin, because it makes its appearance at the same time that robins appear each spring, and they have a common red coloring.  They are sometimes called Stinking Benjamin due to their very unpleasant scent.  They are also called Wood Lilies.  No matter what they are called, they are beautiful - especially by the thousands!

Linnaeus named this plant "trillium" because it has three each of leaves, sepals, flower petals and other parts.

So, I found my treasure at last, in an unexpected moment.  My friend Ashley pointed out that while I had thought I had missed out on something wonderful, God knew I had not, and He didn't have just one trillium to show me, but thousands.  It was a gift!

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