September 16, 2013

Hummingbird Moth

When you see a new critter two or three times in a week, it's time to look it up!  That's what happened to me this week, with the hummingbird moth.

Have you ever seen one?  They look a lot like hummingbirds in size, shape, and behavior, and yet they are moths.

It's hard to distinguish what they are when you see them because they hover around blossoms in a manner similar to hummingbirds, with their wings beating so fast they are a blur.  Their motion in flight, however, is slightly more fluttery and less darty than an actual hummingbird - if you know what I mean.

I finally had my camera with me when I saw this one on Saturday.

This is a white-lined sphinx moth, and it is one of the hummingbird moths.

It has six legs, one pair of antennae, and an incredibly long proboscis for sipping nectar.  In fact, it sometimes exceeds ten inches!

So, the next time you think you see a hummingbird, double-check and see if it might be one of these unique creatures instead.

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