September 18, 2013

Wild Turkey

This is a wild a turkey.  I am posting this photo today so that it will be back to back with my post from yesterday on the turkey vulture.  They both have bald heads and so share a name element.

Wild turkeys can be much more majestic than this, especially when the toms spread their tail feathers into big, beautiful fans and strut around in front of the hens.  One day I hope to photograph such a sight!

I took this photo along State Street, between Scott Community College and Crissey House - the oldest residence still standing in Riverdale, Iowa.  There is often a small flock of wild turkeys foraging there, in spite of the daily stream of noisy traffic along Highway 67.  This is unique, since wild turkeys are normally very skittish.  If I see them at all on my nature walks, they are usually hustling into the cover of tall grass or underbrush.

Has anyone else in the local area seen this particular flock?

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