September 5, 2013

Mystery Tracks

I found these mystery tracks and am not sure what made them.

Track #1

Track #2
Track #3

Any guesses?  Post your thoughts in the comment section below.  Maybe we can figure this out!


  1. How interesting! If one let's their mind wander, it could be some mysterious being like Big Foot or ??? Or it could be a dedicated deceiver wearing specially designed shoes to make innocent observers ponder what might have made the track. :) A cosplaying adventure? Maybe a bear? I have no idea so that's my uneducated guess. I hope people can help solve the mystery! BTW, author, I need a special name so I can get signed up on this amazing blog! xo

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Thank you for your comment! My mind wandered too, and I couldn't help but picture a creature with long, pointed toenails or claws.
      Do you want help creating a name for yourself? If so, send some clues as to your identity and we'll come up with something!

      Slough Sleuth

    2. I am a winner! That is my clue to you :) I want you to help "name" me. FB me your suggestion(s). xo

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    You identity is becoming more mysterious than these tracks. I have two guesses and am not sure if either one is right! Your kind clue went right over my head, so I am asking for another hint. Can you tell me a winner of what, or give me clue as to your residence?
    Slough Sleuth

    1. My residence is a stick built house. I have a green lawn, leafy trees and both new and old sidewalks. I am a winner of life! I wonder if I am one of the two you think I might be. I thought my first clue was a give-a-way, but now that I'm trying to mysterious you will probably guess my identity right away. Love

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    Even though I zoom in on plants and animals with my camera, I am afraid I have not zeroed in on the sidewalks near your abode. Give me some time to mull this over, and please provide me with an additional clue. (I think if I can ask 20 questions, I will figure out if your name should include an animal, vegetable or mineral!)
    Your Kerflummoxed Friend,
    Slough Sleuth


I would love to hear from you, so please leave comments. Thank you!