March 10, 2014

Deer Hair

Went on an adventure last fall, exploring a new woodland.  I'd actually been there  before, but this time I went off the beaten path.  At least - the paths beaten by the feet of people.

I ended up following a deer trail over a creek, up a hill, and along a ridge line.  It was steep, and thorny, and a little aimless.  And yes, I didn't come out of the woods at all where I expected to.  But look at the find I found!

Real, genuine deer hair.  Deer tracks are a dime a dozen, but this - this was deer hair.  Not so common - at least not for this nature sleuth.

It was stuck to a branch angled across the deer path at just the right height to rub against the back of a deer passing that way.  Score!

Here's a close up:

This hair is grey, turning white toward the end, with black tips.  If you look online, you can find charts by avid hunters detailing exactly what kind of hair deer have on the various parts of their bodies.  Based on such charts, I conclude that this hair probably came from the back of a deer.

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