October 27, 2012

Now We Know

It's funny how we see things and take them in unconsciously, but never really think about them on purpose.

For years I've seen large white splats on the ground while hiking shorelines.  ("Splat" - yes, that's a scientific word.)

Never gave them much thought.

Then one day while walking with Hyperion, he casually observed, "That's heron scat."

Oh!  So that's what that is!  Suddenly, I was seeing it everywhere.

Now I know, and so do you.  Next time we see such a deposit, we'll know that a heron recently shared the same bit of shoreline.


  1. This Hyperion guy sounds pretty smart.

  2. Oh, he is. I'll try to introduce you guys sometime. He knows a ton about the natural world.

  3. Y'all are so funny! I'll never think of heron's the same way again.


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