November 1, 2013

Daddy Longlegs

Daddy longlegs are spiders.  That's the name that my family, friends and neighbors always used for them, anyway, but some people also call them granddaddy longlegs or harvestmen.  What do you call them?

They don't spin webs, and contrary to popular urban legends, they cannot poison you - no, not even if they were able to bite you between your toes where your skin is reportedly the softest.  (Check out for more information on this, if you don't believe me: .)

They are still kind of creep, however, when they are in your house or in your tent at summer camp.  I have known them to strike fear into the hearts of otherwise perfectly normal and mentally sound people.

Interesting fact - if their legs get cut or torn off, they still jiggle and move afterwards.  Don't let that freak you out next time you come upon just such carnage!

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