April 28, 2014

The Promise of Spring

They're back!  

All of the spring wildflowers are returning.  Actually, they never really went anywhere.  Since their last blooming, the roots have been biding their time safely underground, waiting for the time to be right to send forth their tender shoots again.  
Here are two kinds:

Dutchman's Breeches (it's just fun to say!)
Spring Beauties
I've walked the trails a dozen times since the last wildflowers bloomed here, and I've thought happily of these little plants resting in their dormant state under the earth and snow.  I knew they would spring forth again.  It's like having a secret to gladden the heart, even while you walk amidst the bare trees of deepest winter.

I can't help comparing this natural phenomenon to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He died for us, and was buried in the tomb, but rose again three days later.  He conquered death.  I am so thankful for Him!  He is the Savior of the world, and our hope in an eternal life.  Even while we walk our daily path here on the earth - in sometimes barren surroundings (barren of love, of kindness, understanding, health - you name it) - we can know that "spring" will come for us.  I know that Jesus Christ died for us, and that He lives now, that He loves us, and that He will come again in the fullness of time!  I look forward to that joyous day!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are beautiful. Your testimony is priceless! :)


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