May 10, 2014


Pelicans in the air are a totally different bird than pelicans floating placidly on the water.  In flight, you see the black underside of their wings, which are normally wrapped sedately about them when not in flight.

They are massive birds, and you get a real sense of their size when they fly by with their 9 foot wingspan.  And then there is something prehistoric in their shape and motion.  On the water, they look almost like swans.  In the air, they look like pterodactyls!


  1. I love pterodactyls so this one really catches my eye every time!! Chandra :)

  2. Chandra, I didn't know that about you! I suppose you must like the great blue herons too, as they also have that ancient something about their posture in flight. Something about the bent neck!


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