May 25, 2012

Dutchman's Breeches

Being a novice at plant identification, I appreciate Dutchman's Breeches.  They are a darling little plant, and so easy to identify, that even a child can do it.

It is a treat to come upon a patch of these charming plants.  They sit there on the forest floor, intricately fashioned and so delicate.  One imagines tiny fairies have hung out their laundry to dry on a woodland clothesline.

In his book An Introduction to Wildflowers, John Kieran describes their whimsical look:  "It seems like something that might be produced in a toy shop or sold at a candy counter."  Exactly!  They look like tiny little confections ready to be plucked and eaten.  But don't - they may be toxic.


  1. Love the name and the picture. Whenever I need a giggle I look at and sometime out of the blue my daughter will say Dutchman's Breeches and we all giggle.

  2. I'm giggling now, thinking of you guys over there at your place, giggling. "Breeches" is a fun word, isn't it?


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