May 25, 2012

Northern Cardinal

I was happy to get this shot of a Northern Cardinal in a park near my home.  He seemed as surprised as I was that he let me get this close to him!

Shifts in the cardinal's taxonomic nomenclature are interesting.  According to Wikepedia (I know - I know!), it was first assigned to the genus Loxia.  Then, in 1883 it was placed in the genus Cardinalis, and was called Cardinalis virginianus - meaning Virginia Cardinal.  In 1918, its designation changed to Richmondena cardinalis, to honor a famous ornithologist.  And then in 1983, it became Cardinalis cardinalis, when its common name was changed to Northern Cardinal to distinguish it from seven other species of cardinals.


  1. LOL! Thanks Sarah - you made me smile with your comment. And I think YOU are amazing!


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