February 6, 2013

Photo Flash Mob Protocol

Pulling into my favorite nature walk area, I found a double row of cars parked in the usually empty lot.  "Ahh, yes" I though, "It's eagle time."  Dozens of visitors from points around the globe lined the boardwalk along the river.

Remember those standardized test questions asking, "Which item does not belong?"  Yep. That was me, in my red stocking hat, with my little EOS Canon Rebel.  Stepping gingerly onto the boardwalk, I began making my way through the crowd, thinking I would cross the lock and head out onto the nature trail as usual.  Little did I know - that was not going to happen.

My lack of photo flash mob protocol was palpable.  Within steps I began to modify my plans, and pulled off my hat.   Here's what I learned about what you need to do if you go to shoot eagles:

3.  Dress Down

Wear camo from head to toe.  Do not wear red, hunter orange, or any other bright color.  Frostbite is preferable to the shame of frightening the eagles away due to shocking fashion buffoonery.

Camo is in this season!

2.  Carry a Big Camera

Use a camera longer than your arm, mounted on a tripod taller than a middle school child, costing more money than it would take to feed a small nation for several weeks.  If not, the other photographers will treat you kindly, and may pat you on the head, but understand that you are simply out of your league.
Massive cameras

1.  Never Approach the Fishing Platform

Eagles were fishing from three trees at the tip of a peninsula.  One poor soul made the mistake of walking under those trees, and was castigated by shouts from several photographers.  Loud, disgusted shouts.  If you commit such a faux pas, you might want to leave the world of photography behind and go live under a rock, because you may never live it down.

Fishing platform.  The dark shapes in the trees are bald eagles.

A fellow walking under the trees

Good thing I'm a quick learner.  I skipped the walk and bellied up to the rail, snapping away.  I learned to wait for the good light, that eagles like to fish into the wind, and that there is no point wasting memory card space on tail shots.


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