February 12, 2013

Shooting Eagles

Last week I spent a couple of pleasant hours in the company of other photographers on a board walk along the Mississippi, photographing bald eagles.  There were friendly, quiet greetings as each person showed up and set up their tripod or staked their claim to a bit of fence railing as we all looked out over the river.  Latecomers were gently ribbed for sleeping in.

"What'sa matter, Bob?  Your alarm clock not go off?" (Chuckle, chuckle.)

Quiet conversations were interrupted by the soft click and whir of cameras as an eagle swept into view from time to time.  One high point was a burst of activity with seven eagles descending on the river all at once.  There were so many swirling around, I didn't know which one to focus on!  

After that, there was some friendly bragging and one-upping as members from the same photography club kidded one another.  

"Did you get the shot?" asked one fellow.

"Oh, I got it.  Filled the whole frame!" replied the other.

"Yeah, but was it in focus?" teased the first.  

"Sharp as a pin, you better believe it," defended the second.

Pictures were brought up on camera screens and shared around.  Amazing stuff.  National Geographic quality.  And then, from the fishing platform, two eagles swooped down to a log in the river and settled there briefly.  They are a mating pair, and have drawn the attention of the other photographers all week.

There was a gentle hurry down to that end of the board walk in an effort to get in close enough for a good shot without startling the regal pair.

It was a satisfying experience to be out there with other like-minded folks who prize the beauty of nature and the wonder of God's creations.


  1. You're awesome!!! I love the last photo especially!

  2. Thank you, Sarah. I'm so glad you like it. It was a neat moment.


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