April 4, 2013


Finally - I got a hawk!

This sharp-eyed fellow
 was sitting way up in my neighbor's tree in the back yard, and I was lucky enough to get a couple of shots of it.

For me, hawks are very difficult to photograph.  If I get anywhere near them, whether in my car or on foot, they fly away before I can get the lens cap off.  When I saw this one out the back window, I got my camera ready and crept into the garage.  I opened the back door very quietly and stood inside the garage to get the first picture.

I ventured a few steps into the yard and his head snapped toward me instantly.  Even over the long distance between us, I felt a tingle and realized I'd been spotted by a predator.  Good thing I'm too big to be his lunch!

He quickly up and flew away, wanting nothing to do with me.  After some preliminary research, I believe this is a Red-tailed hawk.  This is a wonderful first for me, after over a year of hunting.


  1. i love the expression on his face! ...and the fact you caught the expression on his face :) your blog is amazing!!!!!! aks

  2. AKS,
    Thank you! It is good to hear from you - I'm so glad you stopped by!


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