July 13, 2012

Security Camera Eyes

Here's a bunny.  See his eyes?  See how big they are, and how they stick out past the sides of his face?

Eye placement on the sides of the head is a feature that many prey animals have.  They are constantly being stalked from the ground and the air, and need to be able to see what is going on all around them.  Their eyes are set on the sides of their heads, and stick out this way so that they can see what is coming at them, even from behind.

Take a look at this bunny from the back.  You can really see how the eyes protrude from the side of the head, and provide extended viewing capacity.  These are like 360 degree security cameras!

Eye placement is very different in predators.  Their eyes are set more in the front of their heads than on the side, giving them binocular vision.  This helps them greatly to be able to see what it is they are chasing for dinner.  Herbivores like rabbits don't need that so much.  Their food isn't fleeing.  They need a wide field of vision in order to keep a look out for pesky carnivores.

(Many thanks to model, Mr. Pete Kittantale; wardrobe designers Mammals B We; and grooming and hair styling salon Buck Tooth Barbers.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! By the way, I went straight to your blog and read every post!


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