July 12, 2012

Trail Project

On a recent Saturday we were at a trail project at an island on the Mississippi.  A scout was leading his Eagle project there.

On previous days, he had led his fellow scouts in clearing weeds and brush from the trail, including lots of poison ivy, putting down weed fabric, and mulching the area.  He had also led them in building sections of a garbage can holder.

On this particular Saturday, they pulled more weeds and roots, put down the remaining weed fabric, installed the double garbage can holder, cleaned up the sign, and put in a retaining wall by the footbridge.  Whew!

I love Eagle projects.  They do so much good for the community, and so much good for the scouts leading them.  It's great to get out and do these kinds of projects.  As you work, you get to visit and tell jokes.  Friendships are strengthened, skills are learned, and people are united in a common cause.  There is a bonding that takes place that happens in no other way.  It's a wonderful thing!

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