June 6, 2012

Cross Country Trail

We have three notable hills on our home cross country course, where I sometimes walk.  They are the...


and the...

I love the fact that these hills have been named.

Imagine a team of runners and coaches challenging these hills day after day, and talking about them afterward as they wipe the sweat off - how hard they were, and how steep!  Someone throws out a name, in jest.  It sticks.  Their collective brain trust comes up with fitting names to reflect their shared experiences in running these hills.

Fiery destruction.  Deadly intention.  Irritating, maddening annoyance.  Signs are put up, naming them.

When they see the signs, runners are reminded that the struggle ahead has been acknowledged, named, and mastered by their fellow teammates.  That's got to be encouraging.

At another cross country meet, out of town, I saw the following on one of the hills of their course:

I loved their sense of pride, and ownership.  Yes, it is a big, steep hill, and it leaves them gasping after they've reached the top, but it's theirs, and they have conquered it day after day.

Life is like that.  A challenge we have to face can seem insurmountable.  "I'll never be able to get up that hill!" So name it.  Own it.  Conquer it step by step.

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